Squishy Shawlette by Brontë Swannick

How many skeins do I need to make this? 
First, take a look at the pattern info to see what size you'll need to make.
For both the small and large size,  you will need:
1 skein in the Superwash Merino Nylon Base (note: if you'd prefer a non-superwash base, this shawlette can definitely be knitted using my Peruvian Wool Sock base as well). If you'd like to modify the shawl to be two-colored like I did, you will need 1 skein each of two different colorways. 
1 skein in the Kid Silk Lace Base
Below is the exact color combinations I used to make my sample - I've also included some other recommended combinations to get your creative juices flowing!

Sample Colors:


Color Suggestion No. 1


Color Suggestion No. 2